
How to deploy MatLab using a Common BigFix Task

ESP IT has copied a MatLab R2021a deployment task to the Bigfix Common site named "Software Distribution - Deploy: MatLab R2021a (no license) - ESP". You can copy and deploy MatLab R2021a to your organization using the steps below.

Last edited; 10/6/2021

Steps to deploy MatLab R2021a using the BigFix Task in Common

  1. Copy task from the Common Site named "Software Distribution - Deploy: MatLab R2021a (no license) - ESP" into your site.
  2. Take (default) action. No editing to Action Script or Relevance are necessary.

Optional: Deploy a separate action to license MatLab R2021a

  1. Get License File
      1. Generate standalone license file
      2. Or acquire network license following your department's network license server information
  2. Acquire License File URL
      1. Upload license file to Box
          1. Share file to anyone with the link
          2. Copy the file's direct link
          3. Proceed to step 3 below: Create a new task to download this file (in the prefetch block)
      2. Or upload license file using Software Distribution Wizard
        1. Create a Task on that file
        2. Proceed to next step
  3. Create task to copy your license file to MatLab R2021a licenses folder
    C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021a\licenses


Example Config File

ESP Config File for MatLab (FIK apparently not unique)

Example Installation Command

Installation Command: "bin\win64\setup.exe" -inputFile "ucd_installer_input.txt"

Installation Command: robocopy "." "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021a\licenses" name_of_license.lic


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