If you were migrated to Aggie Phone, powered by Zoom, it will be important for the Zoom app to be open on your computer to receive phone calls.
On Windows, please follow these steps to have the Zoom desktop app open automatically when you sign in:
- Sign in and open your Zoom desktop app Settings.
- If you have the Zoom desktop app open, click on your profile picture, and click "Settings".
- Or you can right click on the Zoom desktop app icon in your system tray area (the Zoom desktop app might be in the list of hidden icons) and click "Settings".
- If you have the Zoom desktop app open, click on your profile picture, and click "Settings".
- Under the "General
" page, check the box to "Start Zoom Workplace when I start Windows".
- This setting opens and displays the Zoom desktop app when Windows starts. This makes the startup process more convenient and accessible by having the desktop app automatically launch when your computer boots up.
- Optional: check the box to "Silently start Zoom Workplace app when I start Windows"
- This opens the Zoom desktop app when Windows starts but keeps it minimized in the system tray. This is useful if you want to focus on other tasks and have the Zoom desktop app ready in the background.
- All changes are saved automatically. Close the Settings window.