
How do I set up DES email on Android?

Set up your DES Exchange email on your Android phone.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tap on Accounts & sync
  3. Add a mail account
  4. Find Exchange ActiveSync (your phone might offer one that is brand specific)
    Tap on any that says Exchange ActiveSync
  5. Tap on the Manual Setup button
  6. Enter in your UC Davis email address
  7. The server address is:
  8. Leave the Domain field empty
  9. The username is your DES account
    It is not case sensitive
  10. The Password is your DES password
  11. Check the box to use SSL
  12. Tap Next
  13. Select the features you want to sync
    Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks
  14. Change the email push settings, if necessary
  15. Tap Next


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