
How do I create a mailing list?

To create a mailing list using Sympa (the campus Email list processor), please follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the list environment page.
  2. If you are not already logged in, use the Login Here button.
  3. Enter in your campus credentials.
  4. At the top, click on Create list.
  5. Browse or scroll down to the section where you can input your mailing list information.
  6. Under List name, enter in the name of your mailing list.
    Do not use any spaces, accents or specials characters in list names: those characters might cause problems. Choose an explicit yet short name: think of the subscribers who will have to type this name every time they will send a message to the list! If you manage a set of lists, you can prefix your lists' names with a common prefix; thus they will be sorted together and will be easily recognizable.
    Example: esp-help, esp-advising, or esp-groupname
  7. Under List type, choose a list type among the predefined types (the predefined types are only examples of typical configurations that can be changed by the list owners after creation; it is even possible to configure the list beyond the options offered in the list administration module, by asking the listmasters).
  8. Enter a subject for your list. This subject will display as a header for all the list pages, and will also be visible on list index pages (list of lists, list of your subscriptions, etc.) and in the browser title bar.
  9. Select an appropriate topic for your mailing list from the drop-down list.
  10. Enter a description for your list. This description will display on the list information page and in the 'Subscribers Charter' sent by email to each new subscriber, under the 'List subject' heading. This description may involve explanations about the following issues:
    • object of the list and targets;
    • topics discussed;
    • operation of the list (liabilities, status of the list, etc.);
    • rules applying;
    • description of the typical subscribers (their occupations, the projects they manage, their nationalities, etc.).
  11. Click on the Submit button once finished.

    A message displays to inform you that your list creation request has been sent to the listmasters and that from now on, you can modify the list by clicking on the 'Admin' button. However, the message warns you that the list will be actually installed and made visible on the server only after approval by a listmaster.

    After this, you will have to wait for the list creation to be approved of by one of the listmasters. Then you will receive a notice message entitled 'Creation of the nameofthelist list', informing you that your list was actually created.
  12. What next?
    Read this guide on how to manage a mailing list.


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